The last time I learned about programming was 16 years ago when I was still at university, learning about C++. This time, I was curious to learn more about computer programming and found the courses in Alfabank. I have taken two courses; the first one is Python programming, and the second one is Macro VBA for Excel. Python was more accessible and consistent in terms of computer language; I was learning both in Alfabank and at home from YouTube. Using Python, we can automate things and create projects to calculate mathematical formulas and many other things faster. I enjoyed learning Python, and I can do a project to rename the files inside the directory just by double-clicking the Python file. I finished the Python course in 20 hours. I was mostly learning about Basic syntax, Variable, Functions, Classes, Modules, Using PyQt5, Input and Output File, Database connection, and SQL Query. Once the Python course was completed, I continued taking the Macro VBA course. The Macro V...
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