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Showing posts from 2024

34 hours for Python Programming and Macro VBA courses

  The last time I learned about programming was 16 years ago when I was still at university, learning about C++. This time, I was curious to learn more about computer programming and found the courses in Alfabank. I have taken two courses; the first one is Python programming, and the second one is Macro VBA for Excel. Python was more accessible and consistent in terms of computer language; I was learning both in Alfabank and at home from YouTube. Using Python, we can automate things and create projects to calculate mathematical formulas and many other things faster. I enjoyed learning Python, and I can do a project to rename the files inside the directory just by double-clicking the Python file. I finished the Python course in 20 hours. I was mostly learning about Basic syntax, Variable, Functions, Classes, Modules, Using PyQt5, Input and Output File, Database connection, and SQL Query. Once the Python course was completed, I continued taking the Macro VBA course. The Macro V...

Training Pemrograman Python di Yogyakarta

  Saya termasuk pribadi yang senang mempelajari hal hal baru terutama untuk sesuatu yang belum pernah saya pelajari sebelumnya. Pada liburan kali in, saya mencoba belajar Python Programming, alasannya karena ketika saya berkumpul bersama teman teman dari mancanegara, programming python ini popular sekali saat ini, saya pun jadi penasaran ingin mempelajarinya. Setelah saya melakukan research untuk lembaga belajar mana saja yang cukup berkualitas di Jogja dan menyediakan kursus Python, ternyata pilihan jatuh ke LPK Alfabank.Jika anda orang yang sudah lama berdomisili di Yogyakarta, anda pasti pernah mendengar Lembaga belajar Alfabank ini yang bereputasi sangat baik. Apabila anda ingin mempelajari pemrograman Python di Alfabank, berikut saya jabarkan ke dalam poin poin penting yang bisa anda ketahui : 1.      Dimana alamat dari LPK Alfabank? Jl. Glagahsari No.46C, Warungboto, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55164 2.  ...