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2nd Dose of AstraZeneca Vaccine


In May 2021, I wanted to get the first Covid vaccine in Yogyakarta. After I checked with several health centers and hospitals, it turned out that the government's program for the Covid vaccine was still targeting the elderly. So there is no vaccine for those under 60 years old.

There was a program for two elderly + 1 in Jakarta, so without thinking, I immediately traveled to Jakarta to get the first AstraZeneca vaccine. Arriving in Jakarta, I received the first Astra Zeneca vaccine at the Puskesmas in West Jakarta. The side effects were relatively small because I only felt aches and pains in this first dose, but my body temperature was still normal.

The duration of the first and second doses is three months. After the first dose of the vaccine, I went on an offshore trip in the Java Sea. At first, I was a little worried I couldn't get the second vaccine because I was most likely still offshore. On average, my trips offshore can be quite long, especially during this pandemic, which is about every 2-3 months.

But I was lucky because the trip offshore was only 3.5 weeks, and I had already returned home, so I had the opportunity to get the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. I want to get a vaccine in Yogyakarta, so I don't have to go far to Jakarta. Still, after asking several clinics and hospitals, it turned out that the location of the first dose of the vaccine and the second dose had to be the same, so I had to keep going back to Jakarta to get the double dose of the vaccine.

In August 2021, I returned to the Puskesmas in West Jakarta. I choose the morning time to be relaxed, and my blood pressure will also be better in the morning. After checking and a short interview, the vaccination process was carried out on the left hand. Then I had to wait for 30 minutes to be observed with good results. 

I immediately returned to my grandmother's house in South Jakarta. The side effects in this second dose were more significant, the body temperature rose to 37.5 degrees Celsius, and the head felt dizzy at night. I immediately lay down and slept soundly until the next day. The second day I felt better because my body temperature had returned to normal to 36.2 degrees Celsius, and I no longer felt dizzy.

I hope that the vaccine distribution can distribute to all corners of Indonesia, and each person can get two doses, then the people can immediately achieve herd immunity.

Vaccines cannot prevent 100% of the Covid virus. Still, vaccines can reduce the risk of death, reduce the severity, and are also able to increase antibodies, so I hoped that the people immunity would occur and later return to everyday life as before.


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