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1. Betterlife Fitness

Betterlife Fitness was started since 27th May 2014, It was located in a very strategic place at Jalan Flamboyan CT.X No.12, Karangasem, Caturtunggal, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Betterlife Fitness is clean, all brand new equipments, then the member price is reacheable by student and anyone. There are two floor, First floor for heavy equipment, and then second floor for cardio and light equipment.

The location is close to :
- Gadjah Mada University, UNY, Sanatha Dharma, Atma Jaya
- Hartono Mall
- Panti Rapih Hospital, Bethesda Hospital
- Mirota Gejayan
- Hartono Mall

For more information :
- Email     :
- FB         : Betterlifefitness Jogja
- IG          :    

2. House for rent in Sleman-Yogyakarta
It is located at Perumahan Candi Indah ,Wedomartani, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This House can be rented for minimum 2 years. The house are having 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen,1 living room, 1 garage, and 2 gardens.

The advantages when you stay here are :
- This house is new building.
- Enviromentally Friendly
- Housing facilities : Kids Park, Tennis Court
- 24 hours security and Two gates system
- Wide Road
- Meeting Room

The location is close to :
- Jogjabay Waterpark,
- Sanatha Dharma University, UPN, UII Economic, Instiper, Unriyo, Amikom
- Jogja International Hospital, Condong Catur Hospital
- Hartono Mall
- Lottemart
- Adisucipto Airport

For more information : 

3. House for rent in Sleman-Yogyakarta
It is located at Perumahan Candi Indah ,Wedomartani, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This Guest House can be rented for Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. The house are having 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen,1 living room, 1 Family Room, 1 garage, and 2 gardens.

The advantages when you stay here are :
- This house is new building.
- Enviromentally Friendly
- Housing facilities : Kids Park, Tennis Court
- 24 hours security and Two gates system
- Wide Road
- Meeting Room

The location is close to :
- Jogjabay Waterpark,
- Sanatha Dharma University, UPN, UII Economic, Instiper, Unriyo, Amikom
- Jogja International Hospital, Condong Catur Hospital
- Hartono Mall
- Lottemart
- Adisucipto Airport

For more information : 

4. House for rent in Poris Indah-Tangerang
It is located at Perumahan Poris Indah-Tangerang. This House can be rented for minimum 2 years. The house are having 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen,1 living room, 1 garage and garden.

The advantages when you stay here are :
- This house is new building.
- Enviromentally Friendly
- 24 hours security and gates system
- Wide Road

The location is close to :
- Soekarno Hatta Airport
- Green lake Toll Road Gate
- Poris Plawad Terminal
- Tangerang City Mall
- Mayapada Hospital

For more information : 

5. Kost Putri Blue Pacific Sleman-Yogyakarta
This building is located at a very strategic area near school, hospital, and business center at Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. There are 14 rooms available, 6 bathrooms, 1 Living Room. The price is reachable for students or worker and you can enjoy a beautiful green scenery and good quality of air and water.

Blue Pacific location is close to :
- Jogjabay Waterpark,
- University = Sanatha Dharma, UPN, UII Economic, Instiper, Unriyo, Amikom
- Jogja International Hospital, Condong Catur Hospital
- Hartono Mall
- Lottemart
- Adisucipto Airport

Blue Pacific Kost is Open since 1st May 2018.
Get Discount 10 - 20% for the first 10 ladies.

For more information=
- FB         : Bluepacifickos Maguwoharjo
- IG          : bluepacifickos   
- Google Maps        :


bisnis4fun said…
Tabebuya BSD

Rumah Yang di Poris Masih ada kah gan??

Terima kasih.

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