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Vaccine Booster

I have taken 4 different booster vaccines, including Covid Booster (Pfizer), Yellow Fever Booster (Stamaril), Polio Booster, Diphtheria, and Tetanus Booster. I got the Covid Booster 6 months after the last vaccine, while the Yellow Fever, Polio, Diptheria and Tetanus Booster I got 10 years after the last vaccine.

In Indonesia, many people know the importance of vaccination because vaccines are one way to form antibodies and prevent disease. The more vaccinated, the lower the disease rate in a country.

In Yogyakarta, there are many clinics and hospitals for vaccination, one of which I recommend is the Raisha clinic vaccine because the coverage of vaccine types is complete, the price is still affordable and also a fast response when we ask. Another advantage at the Raisha vaccine clinic I often use is the homecare facility where Health workers will come directly to the house to vaccinate, so we don't have to bother coming to the vaccination clinic.

My vaccination coverage is complete and well documented in the WHO vaccination yellow book, which has international standards. In my opinion, everyone needs to have a vaccination book to know the types of vaccines that have been received. Also, we can control when to do a booster vaccine because several vaccines need to be boosted after 3 years. There is also a booster that needs to do after 10 years.

The WHO vaccination yellow book also needs to be scanned and stored on a computer or google drive so that we still have the digital archive and update it regularly.

Currently, several companies also require their employees to have complete vaccinations before they can work for the company, such as hepatitis A and B vaccines, Polio vaccines, Diphtheria & Tetanus vaccines, and complete doses of the Covid vaccine. So, it is hoped that when they work later, all employees already have complete antibodies.

Hopefully, more people will become aware of the importance of vaccination so that national immunity will be formed, which can improve a country's economy and prosperity.

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