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TOEFL Score : From 503 to 623

I have always registered for English courses from Junior High School until Senior High School. Then I was attending English Diploma while at the same time I was studying Geodetic Engineering at Gadjah Mada University. I realized that English is one of the critical areas of knowledge I should know deeply.

Even though I have taken so many courses before, I have never taken an intensive course about TOEFL. When I returned from offshore about a few months ago, I knew I should adequately learn about TOEFL. I searched for one of the best TOEFL courses in Yogyakarta and found that some people recommended the TOP English course. It also has many followers on Instagram, so I decided to take the TOEFL course in TOP English Jogja.

The program needs to do a pre-test at the beginning, do twenty online courses intensively about Listening, Structure, Reading, and then the final post-test. After I did the pre-test, I got a score of 503, which was not bad, but I should improve my skill in TOEFL because this score is not enough, and my target must be more than 550.

During the class, I never missed even one class. I always attended the online course and asked the teacher immediately whenever I had a question. The teacher in TOP English Jogja was communicative and friendly, and they had quick tips for the student to understand how to work on the TOEFL test. Honestly, I learned a lot from this process; I can say that 20 times attending the online course is quite long, but I have enjoyed it because I gained a lot of knowledge.

The English course is from Monday to Friday in the evening for about 1,5 hours. Then every Monday to Wednesday, there are TOEFL simulations online that we can complete, so we know how good our scores are every week. The score should be increased if you properly listen to the material and do the homework after each class.

I finished the twenty theoretical classes yesterday and spent many TOEFL test simulations. Also, I bought a TOEFL book that I completed all the exams for practicing. One of the recommended books is TOEFL Preparation Guide written by Cliffs. This book is fantastic and helped me understand the concept of Structure and gave some tips in the Listening and Reading section. Last night I slept pretty late because I had to review all the material again and exercise more.

Today, I was a bit nervous before the post-test, but I am confident I will have a good score. During the test, I was in good condition, and I did the test thoughtfully and carefully. The post-test finished in less than two hours, and I was happy because I got a TOEFL score of 623. The result makes me believe I can learn anything if I want to take the time and learn.

Thanks to TOP English, especially the teacher who already gave us a lot of knowledge and tips. I will keep practicing my English skills even though the TOEFL course has already finished.


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