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The Third Vaccine and Increased Antibody


I am very grateful and lucky because for the past two years, I have always been negative for Covid. Since the Covid pandemic emerged, there have been some changes in my habits, including reducing community meetings, praying regularly at home, and reducing visits to public places.

Sometimes I refuse invitations to attend gatherings that many people attend, not because I have become a different person. But behind that, there are other more critical priorities, namely family and work. The first thing is that I have to have a negative result to go to work. Second, I have children who still cannot get the Covid vaccine because they are still under six years old.

Usually, seven days before I go to work, I always stay at home, and all my daily basic needs are always bought online. Within seven days, I also consumed several vitamins and booster, including:

1. Enervon C Active (Vitamin C + Zinc)

2. Imboost

3. Tride Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D)

4. Bear brand

I also sunbathe in the morning between 08:00-09:00 for at least 20 minutes. If it rains in the morning, I take the time to sunbathe in the afternoon.


Increased antibody

In total, I have been vaccinated three times. The first and second vaccines are Astrazeneca, then the third vaccine is Pfizer. In addition to chasing vaccines, I also always check the antibody levels in my body because even though you have received the vaccine, it doesn't mean that you will have high covid antibodies.

I received the first vaccine in May 2021, then the second vaccine in August 2021. Both use AstraZeneca. Then I checked the Covid antibody levels in November 2021. What surprised me was that I only had an antibody level of 9.74. According to the hospital, the number of antibodies is considered good if it is above 10. So it is concluded that my antibodies at that time were still low.

Then in February 2022, I received the Pfizer vaccine. Not long after that, I did another antibody check, and the result was that my antibody increased rapidly from 9.74 to 71.71. These results show that after the second vaccination, my antibody does not necessarily increase above 10, but then on the third vaccination, my antibody increased by more than seven times. Maybe many things influence, including the compatibility of the vaccine brand used with a person's body condition.

Through the experience above, it would be better if you check for Covid antibodies after some time you get the vaccine. This determines whether your antibodies have increased above or still below 10. In Yogyakarta, the cost of checking for Covid antibodies is quite affordable, IDR 225,000.

My current antibody has reached 71.71. However, I am still strict in carrying out health procedures, including wearing a mask outside the house, regularly sunbathing, exercising, diligently washing hands, and reducing gatherings that many people attend.

Hopefully, the Covid pandemic can end soon so that we can go back to normal.


Special Thanks to Mr. Faried.



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