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2 Houses in 1 Day


I've always loved selling. When I was in college, I was used to selling photocopies of books needed by my classmates. Then I also took part time job in selling t-shirts in Yogyakarta.

Embarrassed to sell? I've never been shy about selling. As long as the products we sell are of good quality and high demand, why should we be ashamed.

At the beginning of October, after completing the field project, I began to realize that two rented houses had expired and had been empty for about three months.

Due to my busy schedule, I sometimes leave the house unrented until there is enough free time, then I will try to advertise the place for rent. To use my time effectively at home, I started trying to market these two houses on several property websites in Indonesia.

I advertise on Indonesia's five largest property websites, some are paid, and some are free. I also tried using the Highlight feature for 14 days, so the ads I put on would always be shown on the first page even though I had to spend extra money for the Highlight feature.

After the rental house advertisement appeared on the Internet, many prospective tenants came to survey the house's location. Whenever I'm at home, I greet prospective tenants who come to the place and enjoy the process. For sure, I always wear mask everytime meet the tenant. 

Even though the prospective tenant has not made a deal, in the end, I have never regretted it. Still, it only adds to the enthusiasm to improvise my marketing skill in the next opportunity.

On the second day, in the morning, I just put up a banner in front of the house measuring about 80 x 60 cm. Then in the afternoon, there were already two prospective tenants who came almost the same time; coincidentally, both of them were young families and needed a house in comfortable housing that have many facilities.

After the negotiation process, both of them agreed to rent the houses. I am very grateful because the process was very fast, from the time I advertised on the Internet and put up the banner in the morning, it turned out that there was a direct deal for the two houses in the evening.

In marketing a product, the key is to be trusted and I always keep my promises to give prospective tenants trust. The next tips that I always offer is friendly and negotiable. Last tips, the house that I offer has constantly been renovated in an excellent condition so that people who will rent it, will feel at home and comfortable.

Technical people usually don't really like working in sales, but if you want to grow, it's undeniable that you have to learn sales techniques. The combination of technical and sales, will make us grow in many fields and opening up many opportunities.


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