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Most of my previous articles were written in local language (Bahasa Indonesia), might be this is my first articles in English. I realized that English was so important in my daily work and activities, so I would like to keep practicing by always write this article and another articles in the future in English.

Firstly, I would like to tell about one of my hobby which is reading a lot of books. When I was kid, I really want to read a lot of book, but I have limitation in money at that time. I don’t even have spare money to buy a book because most of my money I have use it for food and transportation to go home. Once I got my first job on 2010, and I get my first salary, I used to buy at least 2-3 books every month to get back my hobby that I cannot get when I was kid.

Book that I have read were vary from history, biography, motivation, and business, but the price to buy a book here is not cheap , you can see the average for one good book is between 150.000 – 200.000 rupiah, and my first job salary was only about 3.500.000 per month, so I need to be smart when I read a book, I mean I will not finish one book just in one day. I read it slowly just to get it deeply to my brain and I can finish 3 books in a month.

Time by time then I realized in one of my bedroom that the books were fill up the rooms quickly, it is on one side of the room with the length about 4 meter and height is about two meter. Oh, I will full this room so quickly by a lot of my books collection. But then technologies have progress so rapidly which is helping me so much not to get my bedroom full. Luckily, now the trend is changing from conventional book to digital book or we used to call it e-book.

A lot of ways to get e-book on this time, some of the way is I downloaded apps with name ipusnas. This is one of the platform supported by the government to make a lot of Indonesian can read books easily without having difficulties by buying it on the book store that sometime the price is quite expensive. Seriously, what you can do is just downloaded the apps, register, and you can search the books you want and downloaded and then finally read it for free.

But not all the book you can find on Ipusnas, especially for the new book, I can make sure you will not find it, might be at least book from 6 months ago then you can get it from here. For me this app is helping a lot, sometime if you go to one of the famous book store and the book you want was display on the rack, I used to search it on this app and found it, then I just downloaded for free.

There are some advantages by reading e-book. If you buy the conventional book, you will spend about 200.000 rupiah. but with this e-book, you don't have to spend any money. Another thing, if you buy the conventional book, not only you can finish the book just in 2 days, but also the book then again will fill up bedroom and one day I have to donate the book or give it to someone else. With e-book is really simple, after you read it and got all the information, then you can return and end of story. No need to spare some space anymore for your book.

The only disadvantage, Ipusnas only give me books with local language (Bahasa Indonesia). For me reading only Bahasa Indonesia books is not enough, every week at least I need to finish reading one book with English. To get this target achieved, I downloaded the book using PDF Drive. Most of the book I want I can get it from this website, and for sure the book is in English, so this could give me practice about reading a lot of word in English and the most important thing is give me so many new vocabulary as I used to open digital translator in my phone whenever I found the new word I don’t understand and I read it at least three times to be remember easily and I would not forget.

I just realized that wrote this articles quite long as I really enjoy reading and writing. I hope this article will help the reader that have the same hobby as me to read a lot of book and you still can get the information you need without spending so much money and no need to save a space to store it.

I will keep writing another articles in English to improve my skill in writing, and for sure will be another interesting story. :)


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